Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

This is the third, and final, novel in the Divergent Trilogy. All in all, I really enjoyed the trilogy and am looking forward to the movie early next year.

This was probably my least favorite book of the three. The main reason for this is due to the change in POV. The first two books are all told by Tris. In Allegiant, Roth chose to alternate between Tris and Four/Tobias. It could have worked, however, it was poorly executed. From the beginning, I had to pay close attention to the name at the start of each chapter (which is where the point of view shifts). Again and again, I found myself confused. The narrative voice was always the same and it was virtually impossible to tell if it was a Tris chapter or a Four chapter. I would find myself searching for little clues or jumping back the chapter start to check. As you might imagine, this was very annoying.

Along with the new part-time narration by Four, we get a peak inside his head. Well, intentional or not, Four comes off whiny, weak, and a bit of a mess. How we see him through his own voice is quite a bit different from how we’ve seen him in the past through Tris.

There are also some revelations in this one that made me less than happy. The plot moves some of our main characters out of the city and into the outside world. This was all fins, but then it gets into some science-y stuff that just didn’t make sense, and goes off on a tangent. There is little in Allegiant about the factions or the city, and that was disappointed.

Now, having said all that, I did like it!  I will definitely be keeping my eye out for more novels by Veronica Roth.

3 out of 5 stars.

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