Next up…

Earlier this week, I finished reading Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Early today, I finished The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James. So what’s up next?

I’ve already started Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff, and I will probably start The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker this week as well. I’ve been interested in reading The Golem and the Jinni for quite some time; it’s been on my Goodreads list for almost 9 years! I’m excited to finally get to it. Often, I get distracted from the list, and start reading things that aren’t always on the list. 🧐

Between Goodreads, Trello, and StoryGraph, I’m sure there are over 1,000 books on my tbr (to be read) list. I will never get to them all! Even looking at the series I’ve started, to finish all of them is 60 books. That’s almost a whole year’s worth of reading right there.

For 2022, rather than set a reading goal for the number of books, I’m going for a page goal instead. I’m hoping this will prevent me from avoiding longer books (like Empire of the Vampire), and that I won’t feel the need to read a bunch of short things at the end of the year.

Looking back, even after reading a bunch of Outlander-related short stories and novellas, I still missed my goal of 75 books last year, finishing the year with 66 books and 17,364 pages read, according to Goodreads.

Goodreads doesn’t allow a page goal, only books, so I made a guess and put 65. Hopefully, if I meet the page goal, the book count will come naturally. On StoryGraph, I have a page goal of 24000! Maybe I’ll finally get around to reading Wheel of Time this year! Of course, that adds around 14 books to finish all in-progress series, so maybe I should wait. 😆 I would also really like to do better about writing reviews this year. I guess that has to wait until this #Bloganuary challenge is over!

Today’s #Bloganuary prompt is to write about the next book on my reading list.

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