
I’m a fairly messy person. Everything just lands somewhere: on a table, my desk, the back of a chair, and then it stays there until there’s a good reason to move it.

I listened to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo last year. My biggest takeaway was that you can’t be neat and tidy if you have too much stuff. Since then, I have slowly been attempting to organize and purge. Her advice is that you pull out everything for a given category and go through ALL of it, in one sitting. Or as close to one as you can manage.

Maybe I should do that? Maybe I should invest in more closet space and organization?

There are neat and tidy people who exist in the universe. I have always thought I wasn’t destined to be one of them. However, after reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I am curious to find out if this is a superpower that can be learned.

Oh, and it would also be nice to be able to transport myself instantly to other locations. Or to just travel at the speed of light. 😎

Today’s #Bloganuary prompt is about superpowers.

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