Indiana Jones 4 – not quite good enough

[Warning: linked reviews contain movie spoilers!]
So, I was going to write a review of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but then I read this review by Jesus over at Gizmodo. He sums up pretty much almost every issue I had with the movie, and the issues that he did miss, were covered in this great review by David.
I really can’t say anything more, except that David totally stole my line about there being only 3 Indiana Jones movies. We were discussing the fact that Amazon has the original three Indiana Jones movies for sale as a DVD box set, and he said “Well, it’s not a complete set now is it?” to which I replied “Yes it is, as far as I’m concerned, there’s only three Indiana Jones movies.”

Sticks and stones…

Actually, all it took was one good fall off the bouldering wall @ Touchstone in San Jose to break my bones.
In February, I fell about 10 ft and landed on my ankle and broke my talus bone. 2 weeks later I was in surgery getting three screws in my ankle. Almost 7 weeks later, and I’m still on crutches and will be for another 3 weeks (at least!).
I posted all the pictures on Facebook and you can see them here.
Everyone @ work has been wonderful. So many people offered to drive me around, and the whole company came by after my surgery to bring me Indian food for lunch one day.
David has also been great, he’s so sweet and takes great care of me.
I think I learned my lesson. Rock climbing with ropes is just as fun and waaaay safer. Just before my fall, I got belay certified at Planet Granite, and completed my first 5.10a climb. I’m so bummed that I haven’t been able to climb for the last 7 weeks, and it looks like it will be another 7 before I’ll be ready to go back.

Some funny stuff

I’ve recently taken to reading xkcd, which I find quite funny. Especially the one linked here. It still amazes me how worked up people get about their “status” on social networking sites. Mine says “single” (or maybe even nothing) on Facebook, but don’t take that too seriously, I just don’t want to go through the embarrassment of asking my guy to “accept” a relationship request from Facebook!
Also very funny is Not from Concentrate, which I just discovered today. It’s written by a student at UMD and published in the Diamondback, UMD’s student run newspaper. I haven’t had a chance to look at them all, but I was reading while eating lunch today and couldn’t stop laughing.
Now, I love the comic Pearls Before Swine, and if you’re read that, you’ll have a sense of the kind of comics that I like.

You’re so goooood lookin’

A co-worker of mine quotes Seinfeld on a daily basis by saying “You’re so goooood lookin'” after a person sneezes in place of “God bless you”. I believe the full line from Seinfeld (said by Jerry) was “If you want to make a person feel better after they sneeze, you shouldn’t say ‘God bless you.’ You should say ‘You’re so good looking!'”
This made me realize that while I typically will say “bless you”, I am not religious and I don’t believe that your soul is escaping or that the devil might be taking over your body in the space between a sneeze and someone saying “God bless you”. I also don’t believe that your heart stops and that you need encouragement to continue living.
There was a time when I would say “gesundheit”, but as I was thinking about this recently, I was not 100% sure I knew the exact meaning. Turns out it’s German for “health”. It seems to me that it’s perfectly reasonable to wish someone good health after a sneeze, but I am not entirely sure I want to go around saying “gesundheit”. As it turns out, there are many ways, and many languages, in which I could be saying this, or something to this effect.
At the moment, I’m not sure what I’ll settle on, but I think to start, I’m going to try to just say nothing. I mean, if someone farted near me, I wouldn’t say “bless you”, I’d just cover my nose and try not to gag. 🙂 Actually, it might be kind of funny to see what sort of responses I’d get if I started saying something like “Oh f*&k off!” every time someone sneezes.