Talking to Strangers

I recently listened to Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell on Audible. Unfortunately, this is my least favorite Gladwell book so far. And actually, I don’t think I care for Gladwell that much. His work feels highly overrated, and his application of research to his chosen topics seems forced and on thin ground in some places.

Talking to Strangers is a weird mix of scientific research and experiments laid over sensational news headlines to explain how/why everyone “got it wrong.” Gladwell covers Jerry Sandusky, Larry Nassar, Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM), Brock Turner, and others. Then, he uses these to tie together a theory about police and what happened with Sandra Bland.

This book should come with some trigger warnings. Gladwell goes into graphic details of sexual assault, including cases involving children. These are mainly related to Sandusky and Nassar. I wasn’t expecting so much about sexual assault and abuse, and this came as an unwelcome surprise to me.

Here are the bits that stood out to me as interesting and that I would have enjoyed in a 30-minute TED Talk:

  • Humans are adapted to default to truth. This means we generally believe we are being told the truth, and it takes a lot to tip the balance. This behavior is essential for a functioning society but comes with a cost when people are untruthful.
  • Kansas City Police and their model of preventive patrol does work–but only when police officers are aggressively looking for crimes, physically present, and do not default to truth. This may be what has led to current police situations we’ve seen occurring all too often lately.
  • Suicide is often a coupled behavior, meaning it is tied to a method or location. Removal of access to the coupled method can prevent suicides. (He cites some research on suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning and the reduction in deaths when British “town gas” was replaced with natural gas, containing far less carbon monoxide.

And that’s it. I would probably not recommend this book to anyone.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

In the Lives of Puppets

I was so excited when NetGalley sent me an ARC of In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune. I have enjoyed everything I have read by TJ Klune, and was eager to read this.

I know I mention this in many of my reviews, but discussing this novel without giving away too much of the plot is a challenge. I don’t want to spoil it for y’all!

[Pausing to go read the official book description.]

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised; They reveal almost everything in the blurb, which is why I usually avoid reading them. I guess that means I can continue without worrying about spoilers, as I won’t mention anything they haven’t already spoiled.

Our protagonist, Victor, lives in a world filled with robots. Some are humanoid, while others, like Rambo, are not—Rambo is obvi a modified Roomba. It’s very Swiss Family Robinson meets Wall•E. Pinocchio’s influence is also evident, especially given the epigraphs.

I absolutely love the world this story is set in—the freaky robots-rule-the-world-post-apocalypse future that we’ve all been afraid of since learning about Skynet from The Terminator. I wish there were more about how this world came to be, the (other) robots, and the City of Electric Dreams (which must be Las Vegas, right?).

Who would have imagined a sarcastic semi-psychotic nurse robot (Registered Automaton To Care, Heal, Educate and Drill—Nurse Ratched for short) and a dim-witted but loyal and loving Roomba as the ultimate family and adventure companions? Each character has unique quirks and personalities, drawing us into their world.

As we delve into Victor’s life amid a world of robots, we’re forced to reconsider our understanding of what it means to be human and reflect on the potential for artificial intelligence to experience genuine emotions and self-awareness. Can a robot truly experience emotions? Possess free will and its own unique desires? What does having a heart mean for a machine?

In conclusion, In the Lives of Puppets masterfully balances this introspection with humor, adventure, and the occasional heartstring tug, making it an engaging and thought-provoking read. This novel is a must-read for fans of TJ Klune and anyone who enjoys a unique, thought-provoking, and entertaining story. And after finishing it, you’ll be crossing your fingers and hoping for more featuring these characters and their world, just like me.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Thanks to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group for an advance copy in exchange for sharing my opinions. All opinions in this review are my own.

The Secret Within

The Secret Within by Sean Platt and David Wright is an urban fantasy novel about a psychic detective, Delaney West. Delaney has been hired to find a missing person, and his girlfriend, Anika, might be the only one with answers.

This novel started well and was exciting and engaging. I was into the mystery, and I liked the premise of the psychic detective. However, I feel like it failed to develop Delaney’s character’s supernatural aspects to sufficient depth early in the novel.

Also, it takes a wildly unexpected twist at the end, which felt very Deus Ex Machina / WTF. It reminded me of how I felt watching the end of Annihilation. Angry, disappointed, and overall unsatisfied.

Unfortunately, it went off the rails for me, and I would not recommend this book.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sterling & Stone for an advance copy in exchange for sharing my opinions. All opinions in this review are my own.

River Woman, River Demon

River Woman, River Demon by Jennifer Givhan is a captivating novel that takes readers on a journey into the world of Hoodoo, a spiritual practice that blends African and Native American traditions.

The novel is a fun, fast-paced, and engaging story, with unexpected twists and turns in the mystery that kept me guessing. Givhan does an excellent job of weaving together the various threads of the story, including the supernatural elements of Hoodoo, the complex relationships between the characters, and Eva’s dark past. I immediately found myself fully immersed in the world of River Woman, River Demon, and eager to uncover the truth behind the murder.

One of the novel’s unique aspects was the portrayal of Hoodoo. Givhan brings this spiritual practice to life with vivid descriptions of rituals, spells, and the various tools and ingredients used in its practice. This inclusion of Hoodoo adds a layer of mystique to the story and offers a unique perspective on spirituality and the supernatural, which is rarely explored in mainstream fiction.

Eva, the main character, has a complicated past. The novel delves deep into her psyche, exploring her fears, desires, and regrets. I wish Eva had been more body-positive towards herself; Her constant mental judgements of herself and her weight became tiresome and detracted from the story. However, I see how this is all part of Eva’s struggle to love herself. Due to this and her past trauma, she also struggles to love her children and husband and accept their love for her.

The river that runs through the novel is both a symbol of life and death and a recurring motif that ties the different threads of the narrative together. As the story unfolds, unlocking the mysteries of the murders is the key to setting Eva free.

Overall, River Woman, River Demon is a well-written, engaging novel that combines elements of mystery, supernaturalism, and social commentary in a compelling way. Givhan’s portrayal of Eva and her world is authentic and deeply moving and will keep readers attentive until the final page.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.