The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Mine usually come in the form of “you can’t do that.”

Other times it’s “not good enough”, or “smart enough”, or some variation of that.

While it’s taken a long time to recognize these as lies, I’m happy to report that I usually do these days.

Oh, another lie is that I like blogging every day. Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE blogging. But this everyday cadence, with a topic not of my own choosing, isn’t as fun as one might think.

Today’s #Bloganuary prompt: What’s a lie you tell yourself?

An Astronaut Veterinarian who Saves Dogs in Space

When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. Or maybe a veterinarian. Or even better, an astronaut veterinarian who saves dogs in space.

And then I realized that vets must deal with blood and dead animals. Suddenly it wasn’t so interesting anymore.

For the most part, I don’t think I had one clear job in mind or really spent much time thinking about it. I just wanted to read books, play video games, and hang out with my dog. Thinking about jobs was boring! Even when I was in college, I still had no idea what my dream job would be. I’m a late bloomer, I guess?

Today’s art is (an AI render of) a photo of a Maltese dog wearing a space helmet and floating in space.

Today’s #Bloganuary prompt: What was your dream job as a child?

Favorite Author

If frequency, or number of books read is any indication, then my favorite author is clearly Stephen King. And, even without counting, if you asked me, that’s the answer I’d give you.

I can’t say I’ve loved all of this books. However, I read the entire Dark Tower series twice. I also really enjoyed The Talisman, Misery, and many, many others. One of his most recent novels, Fairy Tale, is excellent.

Coming in a distant second is Piers Anthony. I read approximately 24 of the Xanth novels. I feel like I read a few more than that, but I think the names might be familiar because I had intended to read them, not because I actually did. Xanth #47 will be published this year, so it looks like I have some catching up to do! I also loved The Incarnations of Immortality series, as well as some of his other, shorter series, although I’m not sure I finished those either.

Third on the list is Louise Penny, with the beloved Inspector Gamache books, followed by Diana Gabaldon, author of the Outlander series, which I adore.

Today’s art is Stephen King inspired, a water color of a single red rose, growing in the middle of a spooky cemetery at night.

Today’s #Bloganuary prompt: Who is your favorite author and why?

Home irritations

The most irritating thing about my home is that it doesn’t clean itself.

I’m a naturally messy person, and I hate cleaning. There’s clutter everywhere, and a lack of places to put stuff, so it just stays where it’s at.

I have been doing better about doing the dishes, although as soon as the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, it becomes a challenge again.

That said, I really do love my house.

A photo of a blue house.

Today’s #Bloganuary prompt: What irritates you about the home you live in?

PS. Today’s art is a cartoon of a kitchen sink, filled with stacks of dirty dishes.