Oh, look, it’s 2023!

It’s New Year’s day, and with that normally comes new year’s resolutions.

I’m not a big fan of resolutions and usually focus on goals instead. While I have goals this year, I’m also picking what’s known as a word of intention for the year. This word sets the theme for the year and is much broader than any set of specific goals.

This word should help me on my journey and should be something that can provide a focus to my choices throughout the year.

For 2023, I’ve chosen HEALTH as my word of intention. In support of this, I have some goals to eat better (no Monster – day 1 is today!), exercise more (yoga, running, walking), and make sure that I’m taking care of my mental health.

Today is also the first day of #Bloganuary, a month-long challenge from Automattic and WordPress.com to blog every day in January. Each day comes with a writing prompt to help inspire.

What is something you want to achieve this year?

This writing prompt ties in nicely with my intention word. What do I want to achieve this year? I want to live a healthy life. In achievement terms, that means eating better, losing weight, improving my cardiovascular fitness, being mindful of getting enough sleep, and meditating more often.

I haven’t set specific metrics for anything, preferring to let my intention be my guide and see where it takes me. I don’t want to fall into the trap of self-loathing due to numbers on the scale, calorie counting, or missed goals. Each day is a new opportunity to make healthy choices.

To kick off the year with an intention of health, this morning I started a 30-day yoga challenge from Yoga with Adrienne. Skipping is totally allowed, so this might take more than the next 30 days to complete.

P.S. Here’s a great, related video that Wil Wheaton shared with me. It’s short, and while they call it a theme instead of an intention, it explains the concept well in this very short video.