Friday 5 – And we are merely players

  1. When were you last onstage, literally or figuratively? High school. I’m trying to remember which play was the last one — maybe 7 Brides for 7 Brothers?
  2. Beginning with the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, what would you name the different personal stages you’ve been through to today? 1 – vacation anxiety, 2 – flying on plane anxiety, 3 – grocery shopping anxiety, 4 – everything is online, let’s spend money, wheeeee….
  3. When did you unintentionally upstage someone, or when did someone unintentionally upstage you? I probably do this unintentionally all the time. Sometimes I am not always as aware of others as I could be.
  4. How or when do you experience stage fright? Yes, I hate public speaking. My boss makes me do it all the time, and rightfully so, it’s part of my job, still hate it!
  5. What are you in the early stages of, and what are you the late stages of? I am in the early stages of kitten fostering. The babies have been here for 5 days. I am lso in the early stages of writing a short story, but it’s just an exercise and probably will not be shared WITH ANYONE! Late stages — I’m not sure, I tend to start projects and not finish them. Oh! The bathroom remodel. Just a few finishing touches left…..

Brought you to by Friday 5.

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