Friday 5 – And we are merely players

  1. When were you last onstage, literally or figuratively? High school. I’m trying to remember which play was the last one — maybe 7 Brides for 7 Brothers?
  2. Beginning with the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, what would you name the different personal stages you’ve been through to today? 1 – vacation anxiety, 2 – flying on plane anxiety, 3 – grocery shopping anxiety, 4 – everything is online, let’s spend money, wheeeee….
  3. When did you unintentionally upstage someone, or when did someone unintentionally upstage you? I probably do this unintentionally all the time. Sometimes I am not always as aware of others as I could be.
  4. How or when do you experience stage fright? Yes, I hate public speaking. My boss makes me do it all the time, and rightfully so, it’s part of my job, still hate it!
  5. What are you in the early stages of, and what are you the late stages of? I am in the early stages of kitten fostering. The babies have been here for 5 days. I am lso in the early stages of writing a short story, but it’s just an exercise and probably will not be shared WITH ANYONE! Late stages — I’m not sure, I tend to start projects and not finish them. Oh! The bathroom remodel. Just a few finishing touches left…..

Brought you to by Friday 5.

Friday 5: She’s going the distance; she’s going for speed

It’s Tuesday! You know what that means? It’s time for the Friday 5! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  1. What’s your favorite cake? A friend once made me a vegan Samoa (girl scout cookie) ice “cream” cake for my birthday. It was ahhhhhh-mazing.
  2. When did you last have pancakes? 2019 for my birthday. At Denny’s, at like 3am? With Sachin, Robin, and Tony. I am not responsible for anything I said that night. Oh, and I still owe Sachin a milkshake.
  3. When did you last bake a cake or a cake-like thing? I have no idea. I am not a cake baker. Oh wait, I made brownie/muffins in November. They were supposed to be sugar free (and gluten-free, corn-free, soy-free, and vegan) and they came out so terrible I threw them all away.
  4. What part of your job is a piece of cake? Finding bugs. They find me.
  5. Where have you had a really good cupcake? at work, I think that’s the last time I had a cupcake.

Bonus question: What are your thoughts on icing? I’m fond of telling people that if it doesn’t have icing, it’s a not a cupcake. It’s a muffin!

Birthday pancakes @ Denny’s.

Brought you to by Friday 5.

PS. Actually, I had pancakes at IHoP in October. Not as good as the ones from Denny’s.

IHoP — Pretty, but not as good.

Friday 5 – Tubular

  1. What’s your least favorite episode of your favorite television program? The finale of How I Met Your Mother, and also Dexter.
  2. Across its series run, in what way did a favorite television program get worse? Lost, definitely got worse in the final seasons.
  3. Among television programs you like very much, which ended far too soon? Daredevil. I’m sure we’ll see something new from Disney+ but it just won’t be the same.
  4. Among television programs you like very much, which dragged on for too long? Lost, The Walking Dead. I actually stopped watching The Walking Dead this season.
  5. What are some lines of dialogue you love from a favorite television program? “Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?”

Brought you to by Friday 5.

Friday 5 – Both sides now

  1. What side of you do people at work never see? I try to show up with my whole self in everything I do. However, I guess at work I don’t show my silly side so much.
  2. What will you be doing outside this weekend? Reading, walking the dogs, enjoying the sun, and beautiful weather.
  3. What usual side dish do you frequently enjoy as an entree? Mashed potatoes, artichokes, guacamole, and cauliflower. Not all together, obvi!
  4. What food that is flipped during cooking have you most recently consumed? Quesadillas! YUM!
  5. What’s recently been a thorn in your side? COVID-19. World-wide pandemic, quarantine. Racism. Police brutality and use of excess force. The President who is dividing and ruining our country.
  6. Bonus question for people who can answer it: What album has a flawless B side? For many years now, my music consumption has been digital, so I’m not sure I would even know what’s considered B side theses days.

Brought to you by Friday 5.