
Finally installed my new hard drive… 80 GB additional space — woot woot! It was frustrating to install tho, and then I was in a cranky mood, almost starting crying in my car on the way back from the exxon up the street. I don’t know what it was… probably just my panic setting in. Now, I knew I would cry at some point before leaving, I just hadn’t expected it last night…
So when I got back, I walked around outside during the T-storm and took my shoes off and splashed around in the puddles in the parking lot. Little did I know that Ryan and Chance were sitting on their balcony watching! HA… but it vastly improved my mood, so it was worth getting caught acting silly.
Speaking of that…. check this out — The Star Wars Kid. I recommend watching the original first, then the original re-mix, followed by SWK 2.0.

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