February goal check

Well, 2 months down, 10 to go.

I have been making fair progress on my goals, with the most progress with reading, which is not surprising. I have nailed the non-fiction books, reading The Bright Idea Box, A Short History of Nearly Everythingand The Lean Startup so far this year. I’m also almost done with Anna Karenina.

For running, it’s been quite challenging the last week. It’s hard enough to be motivated at home, but even harder when I am traveling. I managed to squeeze in 2 miles, but that was it for the whole trip! I also skipped my first race this year as my knee wasn’t feeling that great, but I’m glad I went to the Bay Breeze 5k. I want to dedicate some time this month to come up with a complete training plan and schedule to prepare for my 1/2 in May.


Yoga is also hard when traveling, but I did complete a 10 day yoga challenge in January and I went to not one but two bikram yoga classes just before my business trip.

Spanish will be a focus when I return. I have made a lot of progress with Duolingo on my iPhone, but I find that Fluenz is really a better learning tool for me. I seem to have a more comprehensive understanding of the topics and grammar when I learn using Fluenz vs Duolingo.

One thought on “February goal check

  1. Sounds like your goals are coming along nicely. It’s amazing how quickly you read! I sill don’t know how you have time to do all that you do.
    I haven’t even started any Spanish learning yet… I should get on that.

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