half marathon training

I finally feel like I am getting back into running and a regular training schedule. Last year was so hectic with surgery, illness, travel, etc, and I never felt like I was able to properly train for my races.

running stats

As you can see from the chart, I had a big spike in mileage last week.  🙂  Gotta start building up a mileage base to be ready for my half marathon in May.  It feels good, or least it did, until my knee started to hurt.

I’m hoping that I can slowly ramp up the mileage in such a way that minimizes the aggravation to my knee. We’ll see how it goes.

In addition to running 4 times this week, I also did McMillan’s core routine and went to hot yoga! I’m not sure how I feel about Bikram yoga yet. Look for a post about that coming soon!


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