Day 18 – National Poetry month?

Apparently April is National Poetry Month!!

In celebration of National Poetry Month, I’ll be reading Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul.

Here’s my contribution, although it’s not new. It’s just newly published (here).

The Vampire
His skin is cool to the touch, 
his lips red as blood. 

The body is dead, yet the mind lives on, 
the soul is gone, but the heart still beats. 

This unnatural creature walks at night; 
he is on the prowl, a hunter of the darkness. 

He preys on young women, small children, and men. 
But he is also a lover, a handsome man. 

A man who is no longer alive, 
a soulless being, who knows only immortality. 

He cannot love and cannot feel joy, 
but also cannot die. 

He would give anything for love, 
his life, his dark gift, his immortality. 

This sacrifice he would make, 
for the sake of love. 

This woman, his one true love, is gone. 

With her dark brown eyes, 
and long, dark hair 
she is impossible to forget. 

He's roamed the earth 
for hundreds and thousands of years, 
desperately seeking his love, 
unable to forgive himself, 
unwilling to accept what cannot be undone.

The inspiration for this poem is (clearly) my love of the Interview with the Vampire novels by Anne Rice. Also, Brad Pitt was excellent in the movie. 😀

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