Friday 5 – “Grace”

The questions this week require more thinking than previous weeks! Usually, I just write in the first thing that comes to mind for these, however, nothing is popping into my head…

  1. When most recently did someone show you unexpected courtesy? My next-door neighbor fixed our fence when a section fell over. He came by and left a note too, he didn’t want me to come home and find him unexpectedly in my yard with the fence down. The next neighbor over frequently returns my trash and recycling bins from the curb to up next to my fence.
  2. What were you most recently forgiven for? I don’t know and this is going to drive me nuts. Maybe Indy forgives me for his terrible, terrible haircut?
  3. What did someone most recently buy for you? Robin got me a life-size Dwayne Johnson for my birthday, so I wouldn’t be home alone. I also got a very cute box of succulents from Flora.
  4. What did someone most recently make for you? Hmm, my mom and her husband made me dinner back in March. Flora’s friend made the succulent box.
  5. Who could you probably be a bit nicer to? Myself.

Brought to you by Friday 5.

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